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求英文的搞笑故事,大概200-250字左右,作者必须是有名的外国作家,而且最好是英国人( ´▽`

时间:2024-01-27 17:27:08  来源:http://www.pengfu.net  作者:admin

求英文的搞笑故事,大概200-250字左右,作者必须是有名的外国作家,而且最好是英国人( ´▽`

-Mark Twain in a reception response to a reporter's question, said : The United States Congress is some dog * - dependence. He will press the case made public. Washington must Members Mark Twain published in a newspaper revelation, apologized. Mark Twain wrote such an announcement before : I speak on the banquet, said that some members of Congress are raising dogs mother, I thought think that statement is inappropriate, but not the facts. Thedeen reported statement, I say as follows : The United States Congress is not some mother custody of the dog. 2--Mark Twain once with a wife sitting, he said to her : Do you really beautiful, Mrs. arrogant answer : Unfortunately, I can not equally praising you. Mark Twain do not mind at all and said laughingly : Lady, If, like me telling lies there.



今天我正在看碟,老妈又捧了本书进来,说道:给我讲讲这几句话什么意思 ] 老妈:这个“i don’t know.“是什么意思? 我说:“我不知道” 老妈:送你上大学上了几年,你怎么什么都不知道!! 我说:不是!就是“我不知道”吗!! 老妈:还嘴硬!!!!(一顿爆揍) 老妈:你在给我说说这个。“i know.“是什么意思你该知道吧,给我说说。 我说:是“我知道“ 老妈:知道就快说。 我说:就是“我知道“ 老妈:找茬呀你?刚才收拾你收拾的轻了是不? 我说:就是我知道呀! 老妈:知道你还不说!!不懂不要装懂(又一顿爆揍) 老妈:你给我小心点,花那么多钱送你上大学,搞的现在什么都不会,会那么一丁点东西还跟老娘摆谱,再问你最后一个,你给我好好解释一下,说不出来我在收拾你,你给我翻译一下“i know but idon’t want to tell you.”是什么意思? 我晕倒,拿起枕头往头上爆砸三十几下,用头撞墙四十多下,双手轮番抽自己嘴巴五十多下,用腿踢桌子角六十多下,血肉模糊之时,我问老妈:这下你满意吧 这不她老人家又来问我了:“儿啊,i`m very annoyance,don`t tuouble me.是什么意思啊~?“ 我:“我很烦,别烦我“ ; 老妈:“找打,跟你妈这么说话“(于是被扁) 老妈又问;“i hear nothing,repeat.是what意思啊“ 我说:“我没听清,再说一次“ 老妈又说了一遍:i hear nothing,repeat“ “我没听清,再说一次“ 结果被扁 老妈再问:“what do you say“又怎么解释呢“ 我说:“你说什么“(再次被扁) 老妈再问:“look up in the dictionary“是何意啊’ 我说:“查字典“ “查字典我还问你做甚“(被扁) 老妈又问:you had better ask somebody.怎么翻呢“ 我说:“你最好问别人“ “你是我儿子,我问别人干吗,又找打.“ “啊!god save me!“ “耍你老妈玩,上帝也救不了你!(被扁) 我再问你:“use you head,then thin kit over,又是什么意思啊!“ 我说:“动动脑子,再仔细想想.“ “臭小子,还敢耍我“接着又要动手 我连忙说:“是世上只有妈妈好的意思” “嗯,这还差不多,一会我给你做好吃的,明天再问你”

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