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时间:2024-02-21 22:41:52  来源:http://www.pengfu.net  作者:admin

Just before the English class begins, the teacher is talking with his students.

A: Well, just before the class, I will ask some students some questions. You can just answer it according to your own thinking to practice our spoken English. Suppose you are a dentist and a patient goes to you to cure his aching tooth, how can you do with the tooth? Wu Fei, how about you?

B: I’ll use a hammer to knock out the bad tooth?

A: Really? It’s very funny. When you do this, you also damage the good ones. She Lei, what about you?

C: Well, I will fasten a very thin strong thread to the bad tooth and then give it a sudden pull. And then the bad tooth will come out.

A: Oh, that’s terrible. Zhang Wei, what do you think of it?

D: I will give him an anesthetic dose and then repair the bad one.

A: Good. You will be an good dentist. Xiao Lin, you?

E: I will use expensive equipment to cure him of the bad one.

A: So your charge will be also expensive. How about you, Lijun?

F: I will give him some medicine to cure his pain.

A: Oh, it must be simple and cheap. OK, just stop here. Let’s go on with our lesson.

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